Amanda Baxter
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“Baxter’s portrayal of Irene Adler is riveting.” -Lynn Martenstein, Cape May Star and Wave

“Baxter’s Florence was driven, intelligent, and headstrong, yet had such an emotional depth and complexity to her… an unbelievable vocal performance..." -Adriana Nocco, Onstage

"Amanda communicates when she sings, such that her audience can feel her strength, her intelligence, her integrity. Her voice is a channel that makes all those internal traits so viscerally accessible." -David DeWitt, independent reviewer

"When, in the final act, Desdemona begs Othello for her life, Baxter reveals the vulnerability and sensuality that must first have caught Othello's heart." -Herbert Payne, Broadway World

“Baxter is a very strong Katherine, rather more relatable than most I've seen. Witty indignance is more fun to watch than inscrutable rage… “ -Andrew Shuttleworth, Shuttleworth on Shakespeare



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